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Snakeo - 2018

Hyper-casual, Arcade

Classic Arcade Gameplay at your Fingertips!

Snakeo is a fun remake of snake.
Tap to turn, collect points as you grow, and avoid your tail!

unity icon_dark.png

Snakeo is one of my personal projects. It was originally created in a couple days in Unity, after being inspired by another snake clone. A lot of people really liked it, so as I was learning C++ at the time, I decided to re-create the whole thing from scratch using raylib. This C++ version was far more polished and fun.

I also coded a much more primitive version of the game in javascript (my first javascript project) which you can try out in the banner above.

  • High-score system

  • Colour palette select

  • 3 difficulties

  • Custom collision detection


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